Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Did I say traffic is crazy? Maybe I haven’t mentioned that here in Trinidad we drive on the left, the default speed is high speed, speeding, which Jerome has adopted with great skill.
Jerome is driving the stick, I don’t think I’m going to do that; will not be doing a lot of driving these days but renting the truck was a good idea. Things won’t take so long to accomplish with our own transportation. Traffic is crazy though, today we had to go the car rental since they gave us the wrong insurance papers. Well, we never made it there; the traffic was enormous going downtown, we were heading there and approached one of those funnels where one or two lanes disappear and just like in Puerto Rico all cars jam very close to one another trying to go ahead of the other. Just happens that there was a huge truck to the right side of our vehicle getting very close and Jerome kept on going to go in front of it; Ay bandito, I felt we were moving under this truck; I started yelling at this point like a mad woman. Anyway, Jerome got mad at me but It was really scary, we had to turn back didn’t make it to the rental car office, will do that tomorrow. Tony painted the bottom of the boat as you can see in these pictures. We are moving along and positive we will be able to place the boat in the water by the end of the week.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

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