

This debris in my bilge
clogging my strain
water in the bilge
The cable to the fridge
being rather small
by the time electricity gets there
is another voltage?
or not enough?
Don't know much about 
these things
I just want to sail
Set the sails
the Main and Jib will get me
Or should I have stayed home
Watching Oprah Winfrey 
the news with the Tea Party
and Wall Street

     camille loubriel-harris   Oct 2011

El Silencio del Mar
Mario Benedetti 

El silencio del mar

brama un juicio infinito

más concentrado que el de un cántaro                                             

más implacable que dos gotas

ya acerque el horizonte o nos entregue

la muerte azul de las medusas

nuestras sospechas no lo dejan

el mar escucha como un sordo

es insensible como un dios

y sobrevive a los sobrevivientes

nunca sabré que espero de él

ni que conjuro deja en mis tobillos

pero cuando estos ojos se hartan de baldosas

y esperan entre el llano y las colinas

o en calles que se cierran en más calles

entonces sí me siento náufrago y sólo el mar puede


Kosmos. by Walt Whitman
WHO includes diversity, and is Nature,
Who is the amplitude of the earth, and the coarseness and sexuality of the earth, and the
charity of the earth, and the equilibrium also,
Who has not look’d forth from the windows, the eyes, for nothing, or whose brain held
audience with messengers for nothing;
Who contains believers and disbelievers—Who is the most majestic lover;
Who holds duly his or her triune proportion of realism, spiritualism, and of the
aesthetic, or
Who, having consider’d the Body, finds all its organs and parts good;
Who, out of the theory of the earth, and of his or her body, understands by subtle
all other theories,
The theory of a city, a poem, and of the large politics of These States;
Who believes not only in our globe, with its sun and moon, but in other globes, with their
and moons;
Who, constructing the house of himself or herself, not for a day, but for all time, sees
eras, dates, generations,
The past, the future, dwelling there, like space, inseparable together

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