Thursday, October 13, 2011

On the way to Margarita

Yesterday I arrived to PR; I cried all morning, definitely leaving the boat and my husband is not pleasant.  Yet in spite of having such a wonderful time in the boat life in the boat becomes quite tough; we spent more time moored in an open bay than we normally would.  I talked to the love of my life yesterday just before they were leaving to Margarita Island, around four.  They will be sending a message through the "spot" instrument which indicates their coordinates, so I will be monitoring the course this way.  In other matters, my mother is so happy that I came to visit so that makes my happy too.    The island close to Margarita that Ulises is talking about is called "los testigos" but they decided to go straight to Margarita instead because of the possibility of danger there with the pirates even though that topic is debatable according to the various blogs that I have read.  Anyway, we should be hearing about Apuejbien soon.

1 comment:

Ulisito said...

Matilda… Matilda… Matilda she took my money and ran Venezuela…
I can hear the calypso and Harry Belafonte from here.

I see you are on your way and by the time this post is in cyberspace you might be in Ensenada La Guardia or Bahia de Juangriego? Those seem to be the spots close to the urban areas on the north side. In any case please send the coordinates to follow you. I spoke with Camille yesterday and relayed more info.

You need to find out a hiding spot like the one I show in this picture. It is a necessity when the crew is out of control and complaining about diesel fumes, rocky mooring… so and so... :-) You will look like a stowaway but is your vessel anyway.


Now the silly joke of the day… Short but funny, will use the term estimating our IT work.

A boat painter was awarded the job of painting a small sailboat and when the owner asked him, how long it would take him to finish the job, he replied, "Two weeks".
Three weeks went by and the owner, a little concerned of the delay, confronted the painter. "Hey Paul", said the owner, "You told me that it would take you two weeks to paint my boat and it's been three weeks... What's up with that?" The painter put his paintbrush down, looked the owner square in the eye and said, "That was two NAUTICAL weeks, like a nautical mile, they're a little longer".